Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 79
Academy of Music Records
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: LU-RG11-004
Scope and Contents
This collection consists of records created by the Academy of Music (previously known as the Lawrence University Music Preparatory Program and the Arts Academy) dating from 1979 to the present. Records include photographs, programs, catalogs, newsletters, and newspaper clippings.
Found in:
Lawrence University Archives
Air Force ROTC Records
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: LU-RG04-002
Scope and Contents
This collection consists of records created by the Air Force ROTC unit at Lawrence from 1948-1973. Records include photographs, training materials, and correspondence.
Found in:
Lawrence University Archives
Alexander Gymnasiums I and II Collection
Identifier: LU-RG08-002
Scope and Contents
This collection is comprised of materials documenting the history of Alexander Gymnasiums I and II. The first gymnasium was built in 1901, and the second one was built in 1929. Correspondence, newspaper clippings, programs, and photographs are included in the collection.
Found in:
Lawrence University Archives
Alice G. Chapman Hall Collection
Identifier: LU-RG08-004
Scope and Contents
This collection is comprised of materials documenting the history of Alice G. Chapman Hall, originally Jason Downer Commons, the location of food services for Lawrence University built in 1968. Correspondence, newspaper clippings, programs, contracts, and photographs are included in the collection. Materials on the Alice G. Chapman Teakwood Room are also included, as well as records documenting the 2011-2013 renovations to the building.
Found in:
Lawrence University Archives
Anniversaries Collection
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: LU-RG00-010
Scope and Contents
This collection consists of records regarding Lawrence University anniversaries. Records include invitations, memos, photographs, articles, guest lists, booklets, a cassette tape, and other correspondence. It also includes extensive information on the Sesquicentennial in 1997 including programs, photographs, directories, and reunion information.
Found in:
Lawrence University Archives
Art Collection and Galleries Records
Identifier: LU-RG04-042
Scope and Contents
This collection consists of records documenting art collections and exhibits at Lawrence University dating from 1915 to the present. Subjects documented include the university's permanent art collection, rental collection, the Wriston Art Center Galleries, and exhibits hosted at the Worcester and Wriston Art Centers and in spaces pre-dating these buildings. Records include correspondence, newspaper clippings, exhibit programs and catalogs, and photographs.
Found in:
Lawrence University Archives
Artist Series and Jazz Series Collection
Identifier: LU-RG11-001
Scope and Contents
This collection consists primarily of season announcements and programs for the Lawrence University Conservatory of Music Artist Series and Jazz Series, annual series of concerts featuring outside artists, from 1908 to the present. Some photographs are also included.
Found in:
Lawrence University Archives
Athletics Records
Identifier: LU-RG06-018
Scope and Contents
This collection consists of records documenting athletics (varsity sports, club sports, and intramurals) at Lawrence University dating from 1873 to the present. Records include administrative files and subject files documenting a variety of men's, women's, and coeducational sports over time. Materials include primarily articles, brochures/media guides/programs, correspondence, and photographs.
Found in:
Lawrence University Archives
Banta Bowl Collection
Identifier: LU-RG08-008
Scope and Contents
This collection is comprised of materials documenting the history of Banta Bowl, the site of Lawrence University football games and other athletic events. The Lawrence Bowl was built in 1965 and renamed Banta Bowl in 1978. Correspondence, newspaper clippings, programs, and photographs are included in the collection.
Found in:
Lawrence University Archives
Best Loved Collection
Identifier: LU-RG00-006
Scope and Contents
This collection is comprised of the records documenting the Lawrence tradition of naming four senior women as “Best Loved,” an annual tradition from the early 1920s through the mid-1960s. Photographs, programs, and articles make up the bulk of the collection.
Found in:
Lawrence University Archives